The Future . . . .


In due course we may have to look at relocating memorials to create pleasant grassed lawns on the 1850 / Chapel plot and the 1900 plot just inside Home Close gate. That would also reduce the grass cutting bill a bit. To achieve that there’ll be legislation to comply with let alone advertising what may be possible. That’ll cost.  That’s already been done at St Efrides off Lucius St Torquay, now used by the Greek Orthodox community. We’ll be talking to the relevant Trustees there at some stage.


It has been suggested that we could look at re using graves which have been neglected for years. Legislation exists which permits that sort of thing but it’s ruinously expensive and really only affordable if HS2 decided to make a detour this way. The Big Dig or Time Team would no doubt be a draw for a while though.


The Biggie though, is bringing the Chapel back into use. Trustees would like to have it reopened, restored and used for its original purpose: Funerals. That was specified in the Trust Deed of 1850. Times have changed and we’d like to open it to community use as well. There is already a local group, separate from the Trust, beavering away sorting themselves out as well at looking at funding options for restoration and re purposing.  The Trust is sourcing surveyors to advise it on the practical and financial implications of that. Torbay Council will no doubt have some input along the way. Additionally, we’ll be calling on advice from The Historic Churches Fund and The Chapel Society to contribute to the project.