Trustee’s routine walkabout October 5 2020
Well not quite routine.
Went down Quay just after noon to pick up someone who has volunteered to help the Trustees maintain the Burial Ground. He’d got time on his hands between trips and rather than stare out the window when his other half was at work and he’d done what he’d been told to do by SWMBO, he stuck his hand up and offered his time. The thing which originally prompted his offer was not practical, not because of his skills but because of the thicket of Elf and Safety compliance that would have needed to be waded through for a couple of hours work tops. He was steered our way instead.
Walking through the Churchyard the first person run into was the Monumental Mason, resplendent in rubber apron and wellies giving a headstone a clean down. (Please don’t try that on your own, cleaning is a skilled job requiring experience)
He said that Mrs R**** had issued instructions to clean that stone. ‘Twas agreed it would be unwise to disappoint that particular lovely lady.
The Trustee and the volunteer did the rounds identifying points of interest : Ivy clad memorials, feral ash trees growing out of neglected graves, green clutter left behind after the recent clear up of hedging and so on. Stumbled across several cremation memorials of people still in living memory; spoke something of their stories. It’s good to remember and be remembered.
The Trustee’s contractor had been at work in the 1850/ Chapel plot, evident by cut grass and arisings on the path.
Finished up in the New Ground identifying anthills to be removed and settled grave mounds to be reduced to allow the lawn mower an easier job. Several new memorials were noticed, most standing proud of ground level which makes grass cutting a bit awkward. Several graves which had shrub and decorative adornments in the way of the lawn mower were discussed and left for another day.
Down at the bottom of the New Ground someone was clearing wilted tributes before placing fresh ones on a grave. Stopped to chat. This man said he travelled from his home in Dorset to lay flowers. Trustee, volunteer, Monumental Mason and tribute layer stood around having a yarn for a few minutes, the MM propping himself on a nearby headstone he himself had probably installed. The yarn concluded and they all went on their way while the relative was joined by a lady who arrived as the others were leaving.
(A wheelie bin is provided for green waste near Home Close gate. Please don’t place domestic waste in it because that reduces available space for its intended use which in turn increases Churchyard overheads)